Your life is allowed to be your own. It is allowed to look different than those around you. You are not a failure because you are in a different place. You are not behind because your timing does not align with the pace of others. Please remember that your worth is not defined by another person's life worthiness comes from within, not from what's around. Try not to compare your journey the places that you go and the way in which you get there are uniquely yours. Give yourself permission to chase what feeds your soul, even if it means you are the only one dreaming in that direction. Do not be afraid to follow your own path there's beauty in our differences. Every year 150 billion stars are born all of them unique, rising and striving to create their own light. They never compare or compete, they just shine. You are a star the same light you notice in others burns inside you. The brightest light will always radiate from within.
Made In America & Designed by Bryan Anthonys Length: 18" Materials: Metal